Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Did you say DONKEY

Do you LOVE these faces as much as I do. Come on Pete let us get a donkey to replace Black Goat Gray Goat is soooo lonely!


  1. I think you should get one! They are so cute! We have talked about it before. But don't have the space right now. I would love to one day!
    I didn't see those boots on Shepler's, not like I can afford another pair of boots, being unemployed, but could you please check to see where you saw them, or am I losing my mind, and just didn't see them on Shepler's? Thank you so much!

  2. Paint girl I found them.

  3. Thank you for sending me the link!
    They are beautiful boots, and I would never have guessed that they are mens! With the pink?
    Anyways, I can't fit into mens sizes. Darn! Plus the price was way to high for this unemployed Paint Girl!

  4. Coming over from Pony Girl, I am a breast cancer survivor too and also horse crazy! Sounds like we have a lot in common! I am off to read more of your blog! I also write for a blog called Mothers With Cancer. Drop over and visit!
