Tuesday, June 9, 2009

first day of summer vacation

The best day of the year better than Christmas!!! JK. So today I fooled around with the ol camera. I caught a boy who should have been up in his paddock down in his stall. So I decided to get some shot of him. I love him so much and he is so awesome. Still spookey but with time with time. I noticed since Lakota has been at Mikes for training Kodak doesn;t love to be up in the paddock unless we are up there to so we opened the gate and let him come and go as he pleases. I wanted to get a ride in today but it pored so hard last night the paddock is a mess ....hmmmm maybe thats why he isn't up there in the mud and puddles?? I took some more shots of some places around the farm.


  1. Kodak looks so sweet! I love your cute barn!

  2. Paint Girl Kodak is so sweet thank you. My husband built the barn (3 stalls) out of all recycled materials and we let the kids help paint it. Thanks you for the nice complement.:)

  3. Hello there my friend,
    Your farm looks so peaceful and such a great place to hang. No wonder you don't like to come to school!! You are doing a nice job with your camera ~ keep up the good work.

  4. Thanks Cori Come over anytime call me Ok

  5. Awesome shots. I think they will bring just the right touch to your book.
